The family has been in Tucson for the month. It has been an exploration of spirituality and healing. Liz has been working with energy healers, shamans, horse whisperers, and dream interpreters. I joined Liz for a meditation retreat where we sat on a pillow in silence for two days. Who knew sitting in silence would be so loud.
We hiked up finger rock canyon, bear canyon, and catalina. We had a run in with a havelina and listened to the coyotes howling at night. We had a 20 dollar margarita at el charro and the best 8 dollar burritto at leruna and a barrio ipa while we watched the eagles lose to the packers. We went to the rock gym and mastered a 5.6 and struggled up a 5.7. We smelled burning mesquite at hacienda del sol. We discussed the benefits of smoking marijuana on dementia prevention with nina s. We had numerous visitors including yana little, nina, sanna and ricky, and chris merritt. Cody cracks up at her own toots. We watched the Karate Kid numerous times.
Our departing thought from arizona… Live every moment authentically.